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Blocking of Internet sites and regulation of messengers in Russia: legal developments
Amendments to the Federal Law No. 149-FZ of 27 July 2006 "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", which came into force on 1 October  2017, provide, inter alia, for the administrative procedure for restricting access to copies of Internet sites blocked by a decision of the Moscow City Court in connection with the repeated and illegal  placement of information containing copyright and (or) related rights, or information necessary to get access thereto (so-called mirror sites).
White-Collar Crime Practice
GRATA International is launching a new practice in Russia - White-Collar Crime. In keeping with GRATA International's practice of informing about important legal developments that might affect their business, we highlight the impact of criminal law on business in Russian Federation.
The International Comparative Legal Guide series - Mining Law 2018: Kazakhstan
GRATA International Kazakhstan contributed to the International Comparative Legal Guide series - Mining Law 2018 with the chapter on Kazakhstan. 
Law on innovation scientific and technological centres in Russia
Federal Law No. 216-FZ of 29 July 2017 "On Innovative Scientific and Technological Centers and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", which entered into force on 10 August 2017, regulates relations arising in connection with establishments of innovative scientific and technological centres (ISTC) and their functioning.
The International Comparative Legal Guide series - Franchise 2018: Kazakhstan
GRATA International Kazakhstan contributed to the International Comparative Legal Guide series - Franchise 2018. 
The International Comparative Legal Guide series - Franchise 2018: Russia
GRATA International Moscow office contributed to the International Comparative Legal Guide series - Franchise 2018 with the chapter on Russia.