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New EAEU Decisions Adopted in Connection with the Distribution of COVID-19
On 27 March 2020 the Eurasian Economic College and Council adopted the decisions in connection with the distribution of COVID-19
Measures to support taxpayers in a view of imposing the state of emergency in Kazakhstan
In addition to the previous review please be informed that on 21 March 2020 was published the Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20 March 2020 No.126 «On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 16, 2020 No. 287»
Kazakhstan: COVID-19. FAQ on Employment Issues
The procedure for introducing changes to the employment contract is regulated by Article 33.2 of the Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the “Labour Code”). Article 33 provides that along with the addendum, the employee should also receive a notice. The employee has the right to inform the employer of his/her consent or otherwise to the transfer within five (5) business days after the receipt of the notice.
Employment Relationships: How to Navigate the Coronavirus and Oil Crises
Coronavirus, global drop in oil prices, devaluation of the national currency have caused a number of questions for the employers of the Republic of Kazakhstan that shall be addressed immediately.
Measures to support taxpayers in a view of imposing the state of emergency in Kazakhstan
In a view of imposing the state of emergency in the country from 16 March to 15 April 2020 on 17 March 2020 the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan announced that the following measures have been taken to support taxpayers for this period.
Coronavirus in Kazakhstan: Ways to Mitigate its Legal Effect on Business
On 15 March 2020, the President of Kazakhstan (“RK”), K.K. Tokayev, signed a decree introducing state of emergency in Kazakhstan (“SE”) from 16 March to 15 April 2020. The decree is likely to cause contractual defaults, termination of contracts, sanctions, losses and litigation/arbitration in Kazakhstan and possibly abroad.
Enactment of the new rules on issue of accompanying notes is postponed until 1 July 2020
As follows from our previous alert, the new rules on issue and circulation of accompanying notes in respect of goods were published on 31 December 2019. According to these rules the biofuel suppliers would have been obliged to issue the accompanying notes effective 1 January 2020.
On State Registration of Legal Entities and Account Registration of Branches and Representative Offices
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Introduction of Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Matters Related to Provision of Public Services" No. 272-VI was adopted on 25 November 2019. This piece of legislation, among other things, introduces amendments to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Account Registration of Branches and Representative Offices" No.2198 dated 17 April 1995 (the "Law"). These amendments were put into effect on 8 December 2019. Below we list the most critical amendments:
Practical aspects of application of the Multilateral Instrument in Kazakhstan
On February 6, 2020, the Parliament of Kazakhstan ratified the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty-Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (“MLI”). Provided that the President of Kazakhstan signs the law on ratification in 2020, it is expected that the MLI’s provisions on withholding taxation will become effective from January 1, 2021.
Expected changes in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on personal data
The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan is considering a draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan 'On the Introduction of Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Regulation of Digital Technologies'