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Administration of Almaty has officially announced public tender for participation in Almaty Light Rail Transport (LRT) Project
On 29 August 2018, the Administration of Almaty (Almaty Mayor’s Office) has officially announced the public tender for participation in PPP project for development of design specification, construction, commissioning, financing, operation and technical maintenance of Almaty Light-Rail Transportation System (the “Project”).
Major Kazakhstan Legislation Changes for 2017
The Law on Amendments Intended to Improve Business Conditions(the “Business Improvement Law”) came into effect on 12 March 2017, except certain provisions.
The purpose of the Business Improvement Law is to further improve the investment climate in line with the general policy of the country to support local entrepreneurs and foreign investors.
Renewable energy projects – next destination for investments in Kazakhstan
I. Why renewable energy?

Renewable energy development has recently become hot topic in Kazakhstan that is actively being discussed among market existing and potential participants, relevant state bodies including the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the “MoE”), international development institutions and other stakeholders.
On the Court and Arbitration at the Astana International Financial Center: A Practical Perspective on What They Can Offer to Kazakhstani businesses
In early July this year we witnessed the opening of the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC). We have seen a large number of reports in the media on the Court and Arbitration at the AIFC, but little has been said specifically on what exactly they can offer to Kazakhstani businesses.
China’s Belt and Road initiative in Kazakhstan and opportunities for Islamic finance
Kazakhstan has high ambitions in China’s Belt and Road initiative (BRI) as it is geographically an ideal junction between China and the west. There may, however, be some roadblocks for the BRI’s projects in Kazakhstan. It is therefore important to examine past experiences in order to be able to predict what legal challenges may await Chinese investors when they engage in business with Kazakhstan.
Astana International Financial Centre's Law - what is it about?
Modeled on the Dubai International Financial Centre, the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) was officially launched on the 5th July this year, established with the aim of bridging the gap between the world’s major financial centers and a regional gateway for capital and investments.
Multilateral convention to implement tax treaty related measures to prevent base erosion and profit shifting
By the end of June of this year Kazakhstan signed the Multilateral convention to implement tax treaty related measures to prevent base erosion and profit shifting (MLI).
Why Islamic finance fits well in Kazakhstan’s PPP projects
Kazakhstan authorities have come to recognize that they cannot fi nance the necessary investments in public infrastructure from current budgets and that a major part of future fi nancing must fl ow from the private sector.
Implementation of projects in the area of Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
The rapid development of the energy sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan forced the state to actively focus on creating conditions for the use of renewable energy sources. EXPO-2017 have become an additional incentive for the development of renewable energy projects. However, the renewable energy sector is, relatively young in Kazakhstan and there are a number of issues that need to be discussed.
Mining Law: 2018 Kazakhstan
The well-known and free-accessed ICLG (International Comparative Legal Guide) series provides current and practical comparative legal information on a range of practice areas, including Mining Law.