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Presidential decree on suspension of certain provisions of international tax treaties of the Russian Federation published
On 15.03.2023 the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia made a proposal to the President of the Russian Federation to issue a decree on suspension of double taxation agreements with all countries that have imposed unilateral economic restrictive measures against Russia. The said agreements were proposed to be suspended until Russia's violated rights were restored.
Features and Legal Regulation of Franchising in GRATA International
We are pleased to present you a new brochure on "Features and Legal Regulation of Franchising in GRATA International ". Our colleagues from offices in Armenia, Belarus, Mongolia, Russia and Uzbekistan participated in the creation of this brochure.
Vladimir Komarov, Managing Partner of GRATA International St. Petersburg participated in the SPIJF
Vladimir Komarov, managing partner of GRATA International St Petersburg, spoke on 11 May at the eleventh St Petersburg International Legal Forum, the biggest legal event of the year. Vladimir's speech was part of the session on "Legal Protection of Russian Business Abroad"
The first offline meeting of the “Banking & Finance” Committee in Uzbekistan
From May 16th to 18th, the city of Samarkand hosted the annual meeting and business forum of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), attracting representatives from various countries. The main objective of the event was to engage in discussions on critical matters related to economic development and investments.
GRATA International held an international online conference on Corporate law
On February 28, 2023, the GRATA International offices in Belarus, Georgia, Mongolia, Russia, and Uzbekistan discussed the topic of "Corporate Governance and M&A".
GRATA International hosted a webinar on Redomiciliation of holding companies
On December 14, 2022, GRATA offices in Cyprus, Kazakhstan and Russia held a webinar on the topic: "Redomiciliation of holding companies from Cyprus and other offshore jurisdictions to AIFC".
GRATA International held an online conference on the topic: Personal data of employees
On December 8, 2022, an international online conference on the topic: “Features of working with personal data of employees in GRATA jurisdictions: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia" was held.
GRATA International held an online conference: Contemporary issues in the field of protection of IP objects
On November 23, 2022, an online conference on Contemporary issues in the field of protection of IP objects in GRATA International countries:  Belarus, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Uzbekistan was held.
Managing Partner of the firm held a webinar: Formation of partnerships between business co-owners
On November 15, 2022, Dmitry Samigullin, Managing Partner of GRATA International Samara, held a webinar: "Formation of partnerships between business co-owners".