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The law on Russia’s counter- sanctions against the USA and other states came into force
On 4 June 2018, the Federal Law 'On the Measures (Countermeasures) in Response to Unfriendly Actions of the USA and(or) other Foreign States' (hereinafter - the 'Law') was published and came into force.
Simplification of the procedure for state registration of medicines in Russia
On 17 May 2018, amendments to the Federal Law 'On the Circulation of Medicines' (hereinafter - the 'Draft Law'), which simplify the procedure for registration of medicinal products for foreign manufacturers of medicines, were adopted in the third final reading.
New support measures for manufacturers of medicinal products in Russia
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 572 dated 12 May 2018 introduced amendments to Resolution No. 1289 dated 30 November 2015 that establishes restrictions and conditions for admission to the procurement for state and municipal need of medicinal products included in the list vital and essential medicines (VEM) originating from foreign states.
The draft Federal Law on Russia’s counter-sanctions against the USA and other states adopted
On 17 May 2018, the State Duma adopted in the second reading the draft Federal Law 'On the Measures (Countermeasures) in Response to Unfriendly Actions of the USA and(or) other Foreign States' (hereinafter - the 'Draft Law').
Russia’s counter-sanctions against the USA:the draft federal law
On 16 April 2018, the Council of the State Duma approved for consideration the draft Federal Law 'On the Measures (Countermeasures) in Response to Unfriendly Actions of the USA and(or) other Foreign States' developed by a group of deputies (hereinafter - the 'Draft Law').
How to File a Lawsuit against a Russian Company?
To ensure the procedural application is accepted and considered by the arbitration court of the Russian Federation, a number of obligatory requirements shall be observed.
Changes in the Russian currency legislation: repatriation of funds granted to non-residents under loan agreements
On 14 April 2018, the changes to the Federal Law 'On Currency Regulation and Currency Control' (the 'Currency Regulation Law') and the Code of the Russian Federation 'On Administrative Offenses' introduced by Federal Law No. 64-FZ dated 3 April 2018 became effective, which provide for the obligation of Russian residents to repatriate to their accounts in Russian banks funds granted to non-residents under loan agreements and liability for a failure to perform this obligation.
New procedure for qualification of foreign financial instruments as securities in Russia
On 21 April 2018, the Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 4561-u dated October 2017, which establishes a new procedure for qualifying foreign financial instruments that have been assigned with the security identification code (number) (ISIN code) and the international classification code of financial instruments (CFI code), as securities ('Procedure').
Incentives for investors in Russia: 19 new territories of priority socio-economic development
On 16 March 2018, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted several decisions on the establishment of 19 new territories for priority socio-economic development (TPSED) in the following regions of Russia:
Personal Data Protection in Russia
The publication covers, in particular, the following areas of data protection, including personal data, in Russia: relevant legislation and competent authorities; key principles; individual rights; registration formalities and prior approval; marketing and cookies; restrictions on international data transfers; CCTV and employee monitoring; processing data in the cloud; big data and analytics; data security and data breach; enforcement and sanctions.