  • Reduction of the claims of the Federal Tax Service by 95%, unreasonably applied by the Court of First Instance to the second part of the Register of creditors' claims in the bankruptcy case.
  • Representation of the interests of a Bankruptcy Administrator of a development company with the purpose of increasing the limits established by law to pay for the services of attracted specialists with an active objection from the RF FTS, with the amount of accounts payable under the register of creditors' claims of 3.6 billion rubles, the limits are increased more than 15 times above the legislative maximum.
  • Structuring of the transaction and ensuring the protection of the financial interests of a client - an equipment manufacturer, against the risk of non-return of funds advanced as per a loan agreement (more than 7 million USD) related to the pre-bankruptcy state of the Counterparty.
  • Successful challenge of transactions regarding crediting security payments made during the period of suspicion between the Debtor-bankrupt (the Client) and its Counterparty with the reinstatement of claims against the counterparty and the subsequent recovery of the unpaid security deposit from the counterparty, used for unjust enrichment.
  • Legal support for the activities of the arbitration manager in the bankruptcy procedure of the debtor - DiY company-operator. The total amount of debt under the register is 2.5 billion rubles.
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