Kazakhstan: New user identification requirements "further regulate social relations"
The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, signed, on 28 December 2017, the Law of 28 December 2017 No. 128-VI on Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Issues of Information and Communication ('the Law'), with most of the provisions entering into force on 9 January 2018. The Law imposes additional duties of website operators and telecommunications operators, including the obligation to collect and store users' data.
Kazakhstan has ratified the Convention on avoidance of double taxation with Ireland
On 29 December 2017 the Republic of Kazakhstan has ratified the Convention on avoidance of double taxation with Ireland[1] and the Protocol thereto (hereinafter – the ‘Convention’).
Special Focus - One Belt One Road China Investment
GRATA International contributed to LexisNexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2018. The publication is featured under the Special Focus - One Belt One Road China Investment section.
White-Collar Crime Practice
GRATA International is launching a new practice in Russia - White-Collar Crime. In keeping with GRATA International's practice of informing about important legal developments that might affect their business, we highlight the impact of criminal law on business in Russian Federation.
The International Comparative Legal Guide series - Mining Law 2018: Kazakhstan
GRATA International Kazakhstan contributed to the International Comparative Legal Guide series - Mining Law 2018 with the chapter on Kazakhstan. 
The International Comparative Legal Guide series - Franchise 2018: Kazakhstan
GRATA International Kazakhstan contributed to the International Comparative Legal Guide series - Franchise 2018. 
Some Upcoming Changes in IP Legislation
Kazakhstan's accession to the World Trade Organisation, membership in the Eurasian Economic Union requires the improvement of national legislation in the area of intellectual property, elimination of contradictions and gaps, both within the provisions of national legislation and between national law and provisions of international agreements, to which Kazakhstan is a party.
Kazakhstan Supports Renewable Energy for Economic Diversification
Kazakhstan's 2020 Strategic Development Plan states that the use of renewable resources and energy sources is an effective method to diversity the country's economy. Kazakhstan is therefore creating incentives to develop wind power, solar and geothermal energy, and to introduce new technologies that will effectively use the country's water resources to provide the population with drinking water.
Appeal commission considering appeals on results of tax and customs audits as well as notifications on elimination of violations
Please be advised that on 27 June 2017 the regulation on the Appeal commission of the Ministry of finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan[1], which will be operating from 1 July 2017, was officially published.
Register of entrepreneurs
Register of entrepreneurs (hereinafter – the ‘Register’) is a main electronic data source on all types of entrepreneurs. The procedures of maintenance and use of the Register are regulated by the respective rules[1] (hereinafter – the ‘Rules’).