Impact of COVID-19 and its prevention measures on Mongolian economy
According to the latest update on national statistics, the Mongolian economy has shrunk by 10,7% in connection with the pandemic. The primary condition for the shrink is the decrease in the export of coal, copper and zinc concentrate, and oil due to declining demand for mineral resources in connection with the slowdown of Chinese economy, as the dependence from China is substantial. Following this, the current account deficit reached 767.0 million USD, increased by 368.9 million USD as of the first quarter compare to the same period of the previous year.
MONGOLIA: Approval of package laws on exemption and credit of Tax and Social insurance premium during Covid19
Approval of package laws on exemption and credit of Tax and Social insurance premium during Covid19
Regulations of Force majeure in Mongolia and Government actions on prevention and combatting with Covid19 outbreak
In accordance with Article 1.2 of Appendix of the Regulation No A/121 on Procedure to issue a Certificate on force majeure and hardship by the Chairman of Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry(hereinafter “the Chamber”) dated 24 January 2020, a force majeure means the parties are unable to implement their contractual obligation due to the following obstacles which are beyond the reasonable control of parties, unforeseeable circumstances and cannot be predicted, prevent or overcome by scientific and technological achievement.
Legal briefing on Combating money laundering and terrorism financing of Mongolia
By having failed to adequately comply with the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on concerning anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML/CFT) measures, Mongolia has been added to the FATF’s grey list along with Iraq and Zimbabwe on October 4, 2019. The FATF is an inter-governmental body established in 1989 to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system.
Railway transportation regulation of Mongolia
Railway transport regulations of Mongolia comply with some agreements and rules.
Doing Business in Mongolia
Tremendous mineral reserves, agricultural endowments, and proximity to Asia’s vast markets make Mongolia an attractive destination for medium- to long-term foreign direct investment (FDI).
GRATA Mongolia has participated in pro bono global research project of World Bank
The Women, Business and the Law Report is a publication of the World Bank Group that benchmarks business regulation in 190 countries worldwide.
Legal update: The Amendment on Constitution of Mongolia
New Constitution of Mongolia established a representative democracy after revolution from Socialist society to Democratic society which was adopted on January 13, 1992 and amended in 1999 and 2001.
Organizational Confidentiality in Mongolia
Legal environment of Mongolia on Organizational confidentiality: Where the legal confidentiality environment is well established in a fairly competitive marketplace, business organizations are crucial in helping to build their own strengths, characteristics and colors.
The employer's obligation on labour safety and hygiene in Mongolia
Mongolia is one of the wealthiest countries in the world of mineral resources and has developed its own independent mining industry since 1990. The country has joined the implementation of European and international technical, environmental and occupational safety and health standards in the mining sector to improve its competitiveness in the public and private sector.
Ulaanbaatar, Монгол