Mr. Tyan has an experience in litigation to protect the rights and the legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, including disputes over contractual relationship, labour law, tax assessment, insurance, corporate law, public procurement, disputing and appealing acts of the state body.  Development of financial-economic and other agreements, legal examination of draft contracts, provisions and orders.


Dmitriy graduated from the Law Faculty of the Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata. In 2001 he graduted from the Kyzylorda branch of the Kazakh State Law Academy.

Practice areas:

  • Labour Law.
  • Insurance.
  • Real Estate.
  • Corporate Law.
  • Dispute Resolution.


  • Kyzylorda Regional Bar Association since 2005.
Advocate, Representative in Kyzylorda
Kyzylorda, Қазақстан