
Since January 1, in Moldova, cash payments between enterprises are allowed only within the limits of 100 thousand lei per month

At the same time, the size of one transaction between economic entities cannot exceed 10 thousand lei. The corresponding changes in the legislation came into force on January 1, 2021. To enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their type of ownership and legal form, making payments for their financial obligations in cash, including through a cash payment terminal (cash-in terminal), in an amount exceeding the monthly limit of 100 thousand lei, sanctions will be applied.

Herewith, these sanctions will not be applied in settlements with citizens, economic entities purchasing crop and / or horticultural products and / or plant objects from individuals who are not engaged in entrepreneurial activities, with holders of entrepreneurial patents and with the national public budget, with enterprises and organizations, as well as when making settlements by enterprises and organizations, the rights of which are established in the Law on Foreign Currency Regulation and normative acts of the NBM, with the exception of cases of settlements through intermediaries.

When cash is deposited into accounts with banks, savings and loan associations or payment service providers authorized by the competent authority, including ATMs that receive payments, the foreseen restrictions on the amount of cash between economic agents will not apply. According to the legislative amendments, the obligation to install cashless payment terminals is specified. Thus, economic entities (except for savings and loan associations and non-bank credit organizations), the volume of sales of which during the previous calendar year in wholesale and / or retail trade and / or the provision of services using cash register equipment exceeded 500 thousand lei, are required to on July 1 of next year, install non-cash payment terminals of commercial banks and / or payment institutions licensed by the NBM, and ensure the possibility of making payments using them in subdivisions (except for small retail chains). T

his requirement will not apply to economic entities, settlements with which are carried out exclusively in non-cash form (except for bank transfers) and if the activity is carried out in villages / communes that are not part of cities and municipalities. In addition, the Law on Entrepreneurship and Enterprises clarified that enterprises have the right to keep funds not only in financial institutions, but also in payment institutions, as well as settle with the national public budget, with employees, creditors and other payment obligations through financial banking system and / or payment systems.

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