
Changes in the list of medical goods not subject to VAT in Russia

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1581 dated 31 December 2016 amended the list of medical goods, the sale and import of which in the territory of the Russian Federation and other territories under its jurisdiction are not subject to (exempted from) the value added tax.  

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Director of the Tax Law Department
GRATA International (Moscow)
Tel: +7 (495) 660 11 84
Director of Corporate and Commercial Law Department
GRATA International (Moscow)
Tel: +7 (495) 660 11 84
Эльдар Зиатдинов
Авторы: Эльдар Зиатдинов
Лауазымы: Советник, Налоговая практика
Москва, Ресей
Yana Dianova
Авторы: Yana Dianova
Лауазымы: Counsel, Corporate and Commercial
Москва, Ресей
Банктер және қаржы
Фармацевтика және денсаулық сақтау
Әрқашан соңғы ақпаратты алу үшін жаңалықтар таратылымымызға жазылыңыз.: