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Features of distribution of the property which remained after liquidation of the Russian company
This article discusses liquidation of a legal entity, namely the features and procedure for the division of the property stock remaining after settlement with creditors between the founders of the liquidated company.
Credit Unions in Azerbaijan
 There are presently 45 credit unions in Azerbaijan competing for customers. Yet what’s their working principle? But first, let’s look at why there is so little we know about them.
Legal update: The Amendment on Constitution of Mongolia
New Constitution of Mongolia established a representative democracy after revolution from Socialist society to Democratic society which was adopted on January 13, 1992 and amended in 1999 and 2001.
The Supreme court of the Russian Federation did not cancel the Statute of limitations on tax crimes
In June this year, the plenum of the Supreme court of the Russian Federation discussed the draft resolution on tax crimes. It was proposed to count the statute of limitations from the moment of full payment of taxes. Therefore, as long as there is a tax debt, the crime does not end and the statute of limitations does not begin. The existence of this provision de facto abolishes the statute of limitations for such crimes.
A new level for retailers
On January 1, 2019, Federal law No. 488-FZ of 25.12.2018 on the unified information system for marking and tracking the movement of goods using identification marks came into force, which, on behalf of the government of the Russian Federation, should be extended to all consumer products in Russia by 2024.
On The Practice Of Application By The Courts Of The Legislation On Responsibility For Tax Crimes
The Resolution includes issues of the effect of acts of legislation on taxes and fees over time, the subject composition of tax crimes, the procedure for calculating large or especially large amounts of tax evasion, fees, insurance premiums, duties and responsibilities of tax agents, which evidence confirms the presence or absence of evidence of elements of tax crimes, etc.