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Corporate agreement: shareholders’ agreement under Russian law
Shareholders’ agreement is a tool for the contractual regulation of relations between shareholders/participants of companies that is widely used in jurisdictions of the Anglo-Saxon legal system (in particular, the UK and the US), but also recognized and regulated by the laws of countries that have continental legal systems (including Russia, Germany and Italy).
Financing Agribusiness in Kazakhstan: Key Legal Challenge
Kazakhstan is among the world’s top 10 exporters of wheat which is by far the country’s most important agricultural commodity, well-known for its modernization of harvesting techniques.
Major Kazakhstan legislation changes for 2015
In keeping with GRATA’s practice of informing clients regarding important legal developments that might influence their business, allow us to draw your attention to the following changes in Kazakhstani legislation that occurred during 2015.
Commercial code review
On 29 October 2015, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed the Commercial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan has adopted a new Law ‘On Public-Private Partnership’
In the Address, dated 29 January 2010, ‘New Decade - New Economic Growth - New Opportunities for Kazakhstan’, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – N.A. Nazarbayev, said, in particular: “A huge potential to attract private investments belongs to the public-private partnership mechanism. We have launched this mechanism in Kazakhstan, but it requires improvements in accordance with the best international practice”.
Legal framework of securities market (including IPO and Eurobonds) in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan’s legal system is a civil law system similar to the systems in most other former Soviet jurisdictions. Its laws are contained in the Constitution, various codes, laws, edicts, decrees (having the force of law), regulations, instructions, orders and other normative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.