Aigul Sabyr is a Partner and Head of International Cooperation division at GRATA International who is in charge for building up sustainable relationships with international law firms across the globe. She leads multi-jurisdictional projects for the firm’s global clients ensuring efficient one-stop shop service.

Aigul is an expert in corporate and commercial matters, M&A transactions and data protection. Prior to joining GRATA, Aigul had worked as in-house counsel for Heineken and Nestle in Kazakhstan, and as a legal director in Amun Capital investment fund and its asset companies.


  • 1999 - The Kazakh State Law University, LLB in Business Law.
  • 2004 - Erasmus University Rotterdam, LLM in International Law.
  • 2013- London School of Economics and Political Science, MSc in Law and Accounting.


  • Mergers & Acquisitions.
  • Corporate&Commercial.
  • Employment.
  • Data protection.


World Bank - Doing Business 2017 Report

Almaty, Казакстан