  • Support of registration, re-registration, termination of activities of legal entities, branches and representative offices in the Republic of Kazakhstan, including on the territory of the AIFC;
  • Supporting registration of a private company on the territory of Astana International Financial Centre for the largest Russian oil and gas company;
  • Supporting sale and purchase of the shares in charter capital of limited liability partnerships;
  • Consulting on corporate issues on the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including the AIFC law;
  • Advising clients on the migration law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including on obtaining, extending visas;
  • Advising clients on obtaining work permits in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Preparation of legal opinions in relation to legal entities from perspective of corporate, labour and real estate law;
  • Legal support in the liquidation process of a Kazakhstani company - a manufacturer of communication equipment;
  • Participation in Due Diligence of the Kazakhstani subsoil user in mining sector (sections of real estate);
  • Advising one of the largest US real estate investment companies on issues of corporate and contract legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including the issues of resignation of the director and members of the supervisory board, as well as the analysis of its contractual obligations);
  • Advising large international oil-refining company on issues of change in working conditions for employees;
  • Advising the large international financial organisation regarding office lease agreement in the AIFC, as well as conducting a brief due diligence report of the landlord;
  • Preparation of a memorandum for the one of the largest Chinese manufacturer of commercial vehicles (buses and electric buses) on the establishment of a company in Kazakhstan, including the issues of registration, corporate governance, obtaining investment preferences, labor and other issues;
  • Participation of preparation of the Due Diligence Report of Kazakhstani subsoil user in the field of tungsten (corporate issues, real estate, labour issues) for large Chinese tungsten producer;
  • Preparation of the Due Diligence Report of grain elevator owner (corporate issues, real estate, labour issues) for large Chinese noodles produce;
  • Preparation of a memorandum on the possibility of paying dividends of Kazakhstani mining and metallurgical company in favor of a third party;
  • Legal support of purchase and sale of participation interests of a limited liability partnership for one of the biggest specialized enterprise for the construction and operation of small-scale power facilities in oil and gas fields in the Russian Federation;
  • Assisting the World Bank for the Doing Business 2019 project by organizing the questionnaire surveys in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Advising large Chinese construction and engineering company in relation to the issues of land legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Preparation of the legal memorandum on the preliminary investigation into the legal environment for investment in Kazakhstan (including Karaganda)
  • Conducting the procedure of registration and deregistration of a pledge on real estate;
  • Preparation of a report on the results of selective due diligence of a legal entity for the company in the sphere of provision of services for the organization of transportation of various goods by rail, sea and road transport;
  • Consulting one of the largest international law firms on issues of termination of the labor contract with the head of legal entity according to Kazakhstani labor legislation;
  • Advising one of the largest US real estate investment companies on labor law issues in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Advising one of the largest Russian oil and gas company on personnel secondment issues;
  • Consulting one of the largest international law firms on issues of termination of the labor contract with the head of legal entity according to Kazakhstani labor legislation;
  • Revising the regulations on the branch for one of the largest Russian oil and gas companies for compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Advising Kazakhstani company which renders services in the sphere of tourism on corporate law issues, as well as on issues of lease of lands in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Preparation draft corporate documents for conducting general meeting of participants of large Kazakhstani recruitment company;
  • Representing large South Korean company in process of forced extrajudicial realization of collateral;
  • Consulting large Russian mass media company regarding mass media issues in Kazakhstan;
  • Advising the largest Russian oil company on the transfer of rights and obligations under lease agreements;
  • Development of draft corporate documents for holding a general meeting of participants of a large Kazakhstan recruiting company.
Astana, Казакстан