  • Representing the client – Sun Petroleum (Gulf) Georgia in dispute related to cancellation of real estate purchase agreement.
  • Representing Constanta Foundation against Georgian Prosecution Service on reimbursement of damages.
  • Representing one of large telecommunication companies in the court against tax authorities.
  • Representing clients – entities and individuals in employment disputes. providing legal consulting services on compliance with local labor law and regulations.
  • Consulting clients on various tax matters, including taxation under double tax treaties.
  • Providing legal consulting services to the entities involved in energy sector, as a local expert providing legal consulting service to EBRD for carrying out carbon neutral project for one of large HPPs in Georgia.
  • Working on law drafts – state procurement law and the draft forest code of Georgia.
  • Participating in legal due diligence of the entities, including one of the financial institutions of Georgia.
  • Sofia was a coach of a Georgian team from Free University of Georgia in International Client Counselling Competition held in Windsor, Canada.
Tbilisi, Гүрж