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GRATA International ranks high in Asialaw Profiles and Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2021
The team of GRATA International was ranked among the best firms in Kazakhstan and placed in the highest tiers - "outstanding" and "recommended".
Давхар татварын гэрэний татварын харилцан тохирох журам
Монгол улс 26 улстай “Давхар татварын гэрээ” (цаашид “Гэрээ” гэх)-г байгуулсан байдаг. Уг гэрээнд нийцээгүй байдлаар татвар ногдуулсан, эсхүл ирээдүйд ногдуулах нөхцөл үүсэх нь тодорхой болсон тохиолдолд татварын давхардлыг арилгах асуудлаар нөгөө улсын эрх бүхий этгээдтэй харилцан тохиролцох зорилгоор 2013 онд “Татварын харилцан тохиролцох” журмыг (цаашид “Журам гэх”) анх баталсан байдаг.
Dispute Resolution in Russia
GRATA International is an international law firm that provides services in the following practices, including corporate law, international trade and customs law, project finance and public-private partnership, real estate, litigation, intellectual property, etc.
If you came up with a trademark, it does not mean that it will be yours in the future
The intellectual property court upheld the position of the lower courts in the position on the use of a trademark by one of the business partners after the end of the partnership, in the case when the trademark is not used by the party on which the mark is registered.
Additional taxes. In what cases to be afraid and how to count?
According to the Tax code of the Russian Federation, legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs starting their commercial activities, can choose a General or simplified tax system.
Accountability above all! Why should you document all expenses?
The financial Director, who is the controlling person of the debtor, by virtue of the presumption established by law, withdrew from the current account of the debtor funds in the total amount of 1 500 000 rubles. These funds she spent by order of the Director in the period from 14.01.2015 to 13.01.2016.