
Law on innovation scientific and technological centres in Russia

Federal Law No. 216-FZ of 29 July 2017 "On Innovative Scientific and Technological Centers and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", which entered into force on 10 August 2017, regulates relations arising in connection with establishments of innovative scientific and technological centres (ISTC) and their functioning.

Persons participating in the project (a set of activities aimed at achieving the goals for the creation and operation of ISTC) in the territory of ISTC enjoy the benefits provided by the Law and there are certain peculiarities of urban planning and some other activities established.

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Yana Dianova

Director of the Corporate and Commercial Law Department, GRATA International (Moscow)

T.: +7 (495) 660 11 84

E.: ydianova@gratanet.com

Author: Yana Dianova
Moscow, ОХУ
Банк & Санхүү
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