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Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements in the territoryof Russia
Stable international cooperation in the area of trade and civil turnover is only possible where foreign counterparties and businessmen are confident about protection of their rights in the territory of a foreign state.
Renewable energy projects – next destination for investments in Kazakhstan
I. Why renewable energy?

Renewable energy development has recently become hot topic in Kazakhstan that is actively being discussed among market existing and potential participants, relevant state bodies including the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the “MoE”), international development institutions and other stakeholders.
China’s Belt and Road initiative in Kazakhstan and opportunities for Islamic finance
Kazakhstan has high ambitions in China’s Belt and Road initiative (BRI) as it is geographically an ideal junction between China and the west. There may, however, be some roadblocks for the BRI’s projects in Kazakhstan. It is therefore important to examine past experiences in order to be able to predict what legal challenges may await Chinese investors when they engage in business with Kazakhstan.
Consent to personal data processing: practice of Roskomnadzor and Russian courts
On 31 July 2018, the Federal Service for Supervision in the area of communications, information technology and mass communications (Roskomnadzor) held a traditional Open Day coincided to the anniversary of adoption of the Federal Law No. 152-FZ 'On Personal Data' ('Personal Data Law').
Changes in the Russian Currency Law: Repatriation of Currency Proceeds
On 29 July 2018 several Federals Laws were signed off amending the Federal Law 'On Currency Regulation and Currency Control' as follows:
Registration of Medical Devices in Russia: Recent Changes
The Government of the Russian Federation by its Resolution No. 633, dated 31 May 2018 introduced changes to the Rules for the State Registration of Medical Devices approved by Resolution of the Government No. 1416, dated 27 December 2012 (hereinafter - the 'Registration Rules').