Advertising and promotion of medicines and medical products
GRATA International’s specialists of the Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare sector released the product on “Advertising and promotion of medicines and medical products” in the following countries: Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, and Uzbekistan.
Unfair competition in the use of intellectual property objects: problems and ways to protect a trademark
Intellectual property (IP) is one of the most valuable assets of any firm. However, in a world of widespread piracy and strong trends in the illegal use of intellectual property, the registration and protection of intellectual property is of strategic importance to reduce unfair competition.
Renewable energy resources (“RER”) are defined under Uzbek law as solar and wind power, geothermal and hydro power, as well as biomass energy.
With Uzbekistan announcing that it is establishing a coordinating agency to facilitate planning and implementation of PPPs, the new agency’s focus in its first year will likely be on helping to draft and shepherd passage of a PPP law through the country's Supreme Assembly, according to a legal adviser in Tashkent.
Uzbekistan: insurance market
Insurance functions as a tool to optimize financing process of recovery of the resources lost as a result of random events and by this insurance considerably decreases financial load to the budget of the state.
Uzbekistan review - market
opportunities 2018
Uzbek government continues its strive to transform country's legislation and make Uzbekistan more open to foreign investment and international trade.
Amendments to the Constitution were provided within the framework of the reform of the judicial system of Uzbekistan. The Supreme Economic Court and the Supreme Court are united into a single supreme judiciary body in the sphere of civil, criminal, administrative and economic legal proceedings - the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Uzbek government intensifies restructuring of the state apparatus by adding modern-thinking specialists to the management, alongside with radical improvements in legislation, directed to full-scale liberalisation, increasing trade turnover and development of local industry, attracting foreign investors, full transfer to market economy and overcoming such obstacles as corruption, restrictions for payment on current international transactions, tariff and non-tariff barriers.
Amendments to foreign currency
exchange regulations in
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers as of June 30, 2017 No. 449 introduced the market rate of foreign exchange for certain transactions in the over-the-counter foreign exchange market.
The Technology, Media &
Telecommunications Review 2017: Uzbekistan
GRATA International Uzbekistan contributed to the The Law Review legal guide series - The Technology, Media & Telecommunications Review 2017 with the chapter on Uzbekistan.