
GRATA International spoke live on PRAVMEDIA

On July 29, 2020, a live broadcast on the topic: "Practical Aspects of Employment Disputes" was held.

The speakers were:

  • Askar Konysbayev- Partner, Director of the Dispute Resolution Practice Department
  • Zeinebike Madybayeva– Counsel of GRATA International

GRATA’s experts answered on questions live, and also revealed the topics fully:

1) Procedure for considering individual employment dispute (IED);

2) Terms of appeal to the reconciliation committee (RC) or to the court for the permission of the IED;

3) What is an RC and the procedure of its creation;

4) The order of work of the RC;

5) Execution of decisions of the RC;

6) The procedure for considering IED in court;

7) Organization of work, its safety and payment during the quarantine period;

8) Dispute resolution.

You can see the presentation of speakers here→

The record of live broadcast is available through the link→

Practice areas
Contacts: Askar Konysbayev
Almaty, Kazakhstan
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