On 25 July of this year, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures of organization of the activity of the Service of Sanitary and Epidemiological well-being and public health of the Republic of Uzbekistan” No.ПП-4790 (the “Resolution No.ПП-4790”) and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures of mitigating the coronavirus pandemic, fundamental development of the system of sanitary and epidemiological well-being and protection of health of the population” No.УП-6035 (the “Decree No.УП-6035”) were adopted. These legal acts focus on further improvement of the activity of the Sanitary and Epidemiology Service (the “SES”).
On July 24, the President signed a Decree “On additional measures of further improvement of the functioning of courts and increase of the efficiency of justice” No.УП-6034 (“Decree No.УП-6034”).
According to the Presidential Decree “On additional measures to reduce the dependence of economic sectors on fuel and energy products by increasing the energy efficiency of the economy and using available resources” No.ПП-4779 dated 10 July, 2020, it was established that from 1 August, the tariff for guaranteed electricity purchase of newly introduced solar, wind, and biogas power plants, micro and small hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of up to 1 MW, is set at the second group of consumers. At the moment, it is UZS 450 for 1 kW per hour, including VAT.
On 27 July, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a meeting to discuss the ongoing work to reduce the shadow economy. In that regard, the President has instructed to develop a methodology for calculating the rating of corruption and the shadow economy for state bodies, enterprises and regions.
According to the analysis of international experts, the modernization of existing airports in Uzbekistan will require an average of USD 800 million. In this regard, it was instructed to develop jointly with the World Bank the terms of reference for transferring the airports of Tashkent, Bukhara, Fergana, and Urgench to the management based on a “package principle”. This principle means the transfer of unprofitable airports along with profitable ones.
Uzbekistan News feed July-August 2020