
Act on Biocomponents and Liquid Biofuels

The amendment to the Act on biocomponents and biofuels adapts the regulations of Polish law to the principles set by the community law. The most important changes are related to the limitation of the use of biocomponents produced from cereal and starchy crops, sugar and oil plants and plants cultivated on agricultural lands - as main crops - primarily for energy purposes, as well as to the increase in the use of so-called advanced biofuels.

Act of 24 November 2017 amending the Act on biocomponents and liquid biofuels and certain other acts introduces into the legal system the provisions of Directive 2015/1513 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 September 2015. The most important changes introduced by Directive 2015/1513 / EC are related to the restriction of the use of biocomponents produced from cereal plants and other starchy crops, sugar and oil plants and plants cultivated as main crops on agricultural lands primarily for energy purposes and with the increase in the use of so-called advanced biofuels. The Act on biocomponents and liquid biofuels clarified the definitions used in the Act, including, among others, that economic activity in the field of import or intra-Community acquisition of biocomponents may be performed independently or via an agent.

The Act came into force on 1 January 2018, with the exception of the regulation on the use of biocomponents contained in fuels derived from co-hydrogenation, which comes into force on 1 January 2020 and regulation that highlights the minimum level of biocomponents in fuels that comes into force on 1 January 2019.

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