On May 03, 2023, the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia passed Law No 160-N entitled “On Amendments and Addenda in the Labor Code of the Republic of Armenia”. This law introduces significant changes to the Labor Code, with a number of articles being amended and several new articles being added.
In this article, we will highlight some of the most notable amendments and additions to the Labor Code.
By amending the Article 89, the legislator envisaged the possibility of hiring of non-residents who will not be required to present public services number, which is considered obligatory for all other categories of the employees.
The referenced novelty allows foreign citizens and stateless persons not having residence in Armenia to enter into employment relationship with the Armenian employer without obtaining the public services number under the main condition of not residing in Armenia.
The Law provides assurances on their labor rights protection to the employees at the age of retirement. In particular, the employer will not have the possibility to discriminate against the retired people, forcing them to sign fixed-term contracts. Now they can be treated with the employment contracts for indefinite term as the rest categories of the employees.