
Implementation of personal data holders registration mechanism in Kyrgyzstan

In accordance with the Article 30 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Personal Information” dated 14 April 2008 No. 58 the arrays of personal data and the holders (owners) of these arrays are subject to mandatory registration. According to the State Personal Data Protection Agency all legal entities registered in the Kyrgyz Republic, regardless of their form of ownership, should undergo a registration procedure in the Register of Personal Data holders (owners) by June 10, 2023.

When registering in the Registry, the following data shall be included:

  • name of the personal data array;
  • name and details of holder (owner) of personal data array that works with personal data array (address, form of ownership, subordination, phone number, full name of the manager, e-mail, fax)
  • purposes and methods of collecting and using personal data;
  • regimes and terms of their storage;
  • list of personal data to be collected;
  • categories or groups of subjects of personal data;
  • sources of personal data collection;
  • procedure for informing subjects about the collection and possible transfer of their personal data;
  • measures to ensure security and confidentiality of personal data;
  • person directly responsible for handling personal data;
  • recipients or categories of recipients to whom data may be transferred;
  • anticipated cross-border transfer of personal data.

Registration in the registry is conducted in three stages. The first two stages are carried out by filling out electronic forms to obtain a registration number in the Registry. During the third stage, the procedure of coordination and registration of the lists of personal data for the collection, processing, and storage of personal data is taking place.

In order to avoid sanctions, we kindly remind you to undergo mandatory registration in the Registry of holders (owners) of personal data arrays before the set deadline.

Author: Elmira Usenova
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Dushanbe, Tajikistan
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