
Local laws and regulations governing Road Carriage Services and truck forwarders(expedition) in Moldova

Given that traditional transport routes were blocked, we need to find alternative ways of transporting grain and other goods to and from Ukraine and Moldova. Thanks to these agreements, we can increase the level of exports and imports by road, without creating bottlenecks at the border crossing. This not only reduces the risk of a global food crisis but is also a step towards further expanding the transport relationship between the EU and these countries. EP rapporteur Marian-Jean Marinescu.

In January-September 2022, Moldova’s road transport enterprises, which have a preponderance in the structure of transported goods (79.8%), transported 11.8 million tons of goods, 6.1% more compared to the same period of the previous year. The share of goods transported by road transport in the total volume of goods transported by this mode of transport in the city of Chisinau constituted 46.6%, the development regions Center – 28.8%, North – 15.3%, South – 5.8% and UTA Gagauzia – 3.5%.

The circulation of goods both within the country and with the destination of import or export takes place using road transport. Thus, some permissive documents issued by the National Road Transport Agency are necessary to carry out road transport operations in national and international traffic.

These permissive documents fall under the category of authorizations and include:

  • Authorization of the Republic of Moldova for foreign carriers that carry out regular bilateral routes or transit on the territory of the Republic of Moldova;
  • Annual CEMT multilateral authorization, with road record;
  • CEMT multilateral short-term authorization, with road record;
  • Authorization for international road transport of goods;

It is necessary to mention that the permissive acts issued by the Agency can be divided into two distinct categories, namely permissive acts with a limited number, especially international authorizations whose quota is established according to bilateral or multilateral agreements, and permissive acts with an unlimited number, which are issued based on the request of road transport operators, in particular authorizations for the performance of regular services, occasional services, certificates of compliance with technical requirements.

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