
New changes in the industrial park “Great Stone”

The changes prescribed by the decision of the Council of Ministers on 31 January 2018 came into force 10 February 2018.

In particular, new regulation changed the basic documents: Charter of the “Administration” of “Great Stone” as well as the Regulation on Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park “Great Stone”.

Regulation, governing the conduct of examinations and coordination with regard to design and estimate documentation on objects of the industrial park was approved. It is established that the decision to apply of technical standards and solutions for project documentation can be taken by the developer or the customer. All project documentation shall be prepared in Russian, Belarusian or Chinese. It is permitted to use any other language in case there is a translation of documentation into Russian or Belarusian language.

Additionally, there have been established criteria for the definition and classification of goods for production equipment. Thus, the goods fall into this category in case such goods are related to such category in technical or other regulations of Belarus, if classified according to certain positions of the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of EEU or are an integral part of the investment project in the industrial park (according to the project documentation). In respect of such goods there is a specific procedure for confirming the conditions for exemption from import duties.

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