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E-Commerce Expansion into Tajikistan
Tajikistan presents an exciting frontier for e-commerce businesses looking to tap into new markets. As digital commerce continues to grow, understanding the legal landscape and operational considerations becomes crucial for success.
Review of the Ruling of the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan on a Tax Dispute
On 17 January 2024, the Administrative Collegium of the Supreme Court issued a ruling on a dispute relating to the taxation of Kazakhstan-source income of a non-resident who also has a registered permanent establishment in Kazakhstan
How foreign investors can alienate a share in a Belarusian entity?
Issues of sanctions and countersanctions have been one of the main topics for discussion during the last 3 years. Belarus followed Russia and adopted the list of so called “unfriendly states” by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus "On the List of Foreign States Committing Unfriendly Acts against Belarusian Legal entities and/or Individuals"N209 dated 06.04.2022.
Conflicts between JV shareholders. Kazakhstani corporate law review
It is well known that business in Kazakhstan is operated via joint ventures (JV) that are created, mainly, in a form of limited liability partnership by two or more companies. The creation of joint ventures has become most popular over the past 10-12 years due to introduction on a political level of unspoken recommendations on local content increase to the business of the oil region of Kazakhstan.
Review of amendments to the legislation on the application of the Special Tax Regime of Retail Tax
In order to implement the Address of the Head of State dated September 1, 2023 "The Economic Course of Just Kazakhstan," the list of types of activities permitted for the application of the special tax regime for retail tax has been expanded. By the Government Decree №1240 dated 29 December 2023, the list has been expanded from 190 to 364 types of activities.
Changes to the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On 13 December 2023 a number of amendments was introduced to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25 December, 2017 No. 120-VI ‘On taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget (Tax Code)’ (the ‘Tax Code’) . Below you may find the most significant of these amendments. Most of them with certain exceptions came into effect on 1 January, 2024.