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How to incorporate a company or representative office in Mongolia?
Despite the fact that Mongolian legislation provides for a wide range of legal forms of commercial entities (limited liability company or LLC, joint-stock company or JSC and joint venture), in practice, private businessmen and foreign investors mostly prefer LLC or JSC. Representative office of foreign legal entities is also common.
Business relocation to Azerbaijan
Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan determines incorporation of the companies by foreign entities in different forms, but most frequently chosen forms by foreign companies
Business relocation to Uzbekistan
Recently, the popularity of the jurisdiction of the Republic of Uzbekistan for investors from the countries of the former USSR has increased markedly. This article provides a general overview of those aspects of the Uzbek legal regime that may interest citizens of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Ukraine and Belarus planning to relocate the business to the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Business relocation to Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan, together with Russia, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union, within which a coordinated economic policy is pursued and the freedom of movement of goods, capital and labor is ensured. Citizens of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union do not need to obtain permits to work on the territory of Kazakhstan
 Business relocation to Georgia
Strategic geographical location (i.e. a door to Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union, a single market of 183 million people, as well as to China and to Central Asia) and ease of travel to Europe and East Asia with direct flights to major destinations;
Business relocation to Armenia
Benefits of relocation of business to Armenia: Strategic geographical location and ease of travel to Europe and East Asia with direct flights to major destinations