On 5 February 2018, Federal Law No. 16-FZ on the introduction of amendments to the Federal Law 'On the Fundamental Principles of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation' and the Code of the Russian Federation 'On Administrative Offenses' was signed ('Law No. 16-FZ'). Law No. 16-FZ provides, inter alia, for obligatory classification of hotels, ski trails, and beaches and is aimed at improving the legal regulation in the provision of hotel services.
New territories of priority
socio-economic development in
In December 2017 and early February 2018, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a number of decisions on the establishment of territories for priority socio-economic development (TPSED) in several regions of Russia
Upcoming Changes in Foreign
Exchange Legislation: branches of foreign companies’ settlements
will be converted into Tenge
In keeping with GRATA’s practice of informing clients of important legal developments that might influence their business, we would like to draw your attention to some important upcoming legislative developments regarding the foreign exchange regulation and foreign exchange control.
Any company can and shall make a choice at a certain stage of its development. We made our choice and decided to penetrate regions. Now, it has been almost 3.5 years since we have expanded our presence all over Kazakhstan, but we faced many difficulties that we would like to note and share our experience with other consulting firms dealing with legal issues. This article is aimed to encourage firms to contribute in the regions’ development.
Marking and monitoring of
medicines circulation in Russia
from 2020
Pursuant to the changes in the Federal Law 'On Circulation of Medicines' introduced by Federal Law No. 425-FZ, dated 28 December 2017 ('Law No. 425-FZ'), from 1 January 2020 the federal state information system for monitoring the circulation of medicines for medical use from the manufacturer to the end user with the application of identification marks (system for monitoring the medicines circulation) will start functioning in Russia.
Syndicated lending regulation in
On 1 February 2018, the Federal Law, dated 31 December 2017, No. 486-FZ 'On Syndicated Lending and Introduction of Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation' (hereinafter - the 'Law No. 486-FZ') comes into force.