  • Support of M&a transactions of a large agro-industrial complex. The total amount of the project amounted to 3 500 000 000 rubles.
  • Support for the reorganization of the Russian group of companies owned by the Austrian holding company Matimex.
  • Support of the activities of one of the largest developers in St. Petersburg, including corporate procedures of the company. The result was the cancellation of the decision of the tax authority, prevented the completion of corporate procedures that would prevent delays in building, damage to reputation and other negative consequences for the Client.
  • Successful challenge to the refusal of state registration of a legal entity on the grounds of clause " f "of article 23 of the Federal law" On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs". A positive decision on this project broke the current practice of rejections.
  • Constant support of the activities of the Russian representative office of the Austrian holding "Premium Pack" - LLC "Premium pack Rus", including corporate procedures of the company. –
  • Support of the procedure for entering the Russian market of a major foreign manufacturer of equipment in the food industry.
Saint Petersburg, Ресей