Dispute resolution support in CIS and Eastern Europe
The continuing development and close economic links between countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Belarus, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Armenia), and close historic ties between CIS countries encourage constant cooperation between the countries, increase the volume of mutual trade and number of business projects between the companies from these countries.
GRATA International Organized the First Law Student Competition in St Petersburg
Leading law firms together with legal departments of large St. Petersburg companies organized the first case competition for law students. As it was held online, the competition attracted the participants not only from St Petersburg, but from the whole Russia.
COVID-19. About restriction of activity of state courts and alternative dispute resolution methods.
Meanwhile, on March 18, 2020, due to the threat of spread of infection, the Presidium of the Supreme court of the Russian Federation issued a decree restricting the consideration of cases and the acceptance of documents by the courts. Restrictions are imposed for the period from 19.03.2020 to 10.04.2020. It is obvious that if the coronavirus infection continuesto spread, the restrictions will be extended.
Analytical review on the creation of corporate environmental risk management systems in Russia in the context of the environmental legislation reform
Today, it is becoming one of the corporate development strategy priorities for many companies to ensure that environmental safety is guaranteed as well as national and international standards are complied with in this area. This is also facilitated by the leading world states’ policy aimed at improving environmental conditions on their territories including through a review of environmental legislation.
Features of distribution of the property which remained after liquidation of the Russian company
This article discusses liquidation of a legal entity, namely the features and procedure for the division of the property stock remaining after settlement with creditors between the founders of the liquidated company.
GRATA International at the VI Legal forum of the BRICS countries
The forum was co-organized by the Russian bar Association, the Brazilian Bar Association, the Indian bar Association, the Chinese law society, and the South African Law society.
GRATA International in Saint Petersburg, Russia
GRATA International is glad to announce the addition of an integrated office in Saint Petersburg, Russia. After going through transitional stage in its development as a firm and appreciating the benefits of the corporate systems and platforms, the opportunities and potential of the network, “Legal Studio” Law Firm, associate office in St. Petersburg (Russia), has reached a new milestone and will now become an integrated office “GRATA International SPB”.  
General considerations regarding the jurisdiction of Austrian
Despite the fact that the political situation in Austria, in comparison with other countries of the Western world, is considered more favorable towards Russia, banks and other service providers have recently begun to treat Russian customers with increasing suspicion and skepticism. Therefore, doing business in Austria or using Austrian jurisdiction for capital management requires additional measures.
Things you need to know about digital rights: new developments of autumn 2019
The resolution of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation approved Federal law "On Amendments to Parts One and Two, and Article 1124 of Part Three of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - the Federal Law). On March 18, 2019, this Federal Law was signed by the President of the Russian Federation.
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