Жарияланымдар бойынша іздеу
Islamic Finance challenges in Turkey
Having almost 40 years of history, the Islamic banking sector in Turkey currently only has a 5–6% share of the fi nance market in the country. Out of 40 active banks, six are operating (excluding investment and development banks) under the Participation Banks Association of Turkey (TKBB) as Islamic banks and they have not yet reached the average level of their conventional competitors in terms of profi ts, total assets, deposits and loans.
General considerations regarding the jurisdiction of Austrian
Despite the fact that the political situation in Austria, in comparison with other countries of the Western world, is considered more favorable towards Russia, banks and other service providers have recently begun to treat Russian customers with increasing suspicion and skepticism. Therefore, doing business in Austria or using Austrian jurisdiction for capital management requires additional measures.
Would Kazakhstan emerge as a new destination for start-ups?
There is no doubt that Kazakhstan needs new economic drivers to facilitate the launch of innovative new businesses, to disrupt conventional industries and to transform intellectual capital into innovative start-ups.
Is Kazakhstan finally ready to attract investments into its electricity sector?
The capacity market was finally launched on the 1st January 2019 in Kazakhstan to encourage investment for the renovation of old, as well as construction of new, power infrastructure facilities.
Russian law on digital rights
On 12 March 2019, the State Duma adopted in its final reading a draft federal law “On Digital Rights”, amending parts one, two, and article 1124 of part three of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (the “Law”).
Kazakhstan expands central bank’s supervisory powers — good or bad move?
On the 1st January 2019, Kazakhstan promulgated certain changes in legislation that gave its central bank, the National Bank of Kazakhstan (NBK), enhanced capacity and introduced risk based supervision of the financial sector.
Kazakh government should concentrate on attracting cross-border Islamic financing
Though Kazakhstan adopted relevant legislation for domestic (such as the governed Kazakh law) Islamic banking transactions more than seven years ago and has a Muslim population of over 11 million, Islamic finance is still in the early stages of its development and Islamic products are rarely used. According to the National Bank of Kazakhstan (NBK), as of 2018, the share of Islamic banking assets account for only 0.16% of total banking sector assets in Kazakhstan.
Natural monopolies in Kazakhstan: The right time to invest?
The importance of the so-called natural monopolies in Kazakhstan can be seen in the fact that some of Kazakhstan’s largest and most powerful corporate empires, such as the KEGOC (national transmission grid operator) and KTZ (national railway company), are officially subject to natural monopoly regulation.
Agricultural business in Kazakhstan and opportunities for Islamic finance
Agriculture is one of the most attractive sectors of Kazakhstan’s economy. Kazakhstan has approximately 24 million hectares of arable land and 188 million hectares of pasture.
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Concessions (unofficial English translation)
This Law determines legal conditions of concession, types of state support of concessionaire and regulates social relations arising during conclusion, execution and termination of concession agreements.
Kazakh privatisation: a fresh start
Although the Kazakhstan securities market is the most developed in Central Asia, its development has been slow compared to the country’s banking sector.
Major Kazakhstan Legislation Changes for 2017
The Law on Amendments Intended to Improve Business Conditions(the “Business Improvement Law”) came into effect on 12 March 2017, except certain provisions.
The purpose of the Business Improvement Law is to further improve the investment climate in line with the general policy of the country to support local entrepreneurs and foreign investors.