Жарияланымдар бойынша іздеу
Administration of Almaty has officially announced public tender for participation in Almaty Light Rail Transport (LRT) Project
On 29 August 2018, the Administration of Almaty (Almaty Mayor’s Office) has officially announced the public tender for participation in PPP project for development of design specification, construction, commissioning, financing, operation and technical maintenance of Almaty Light-Rail Transportation System (the “Project”).
Implementation of projects in the area of Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
The rapid development of the energy sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan forced the state to actively focus on creating conditions for the use of renewable energy sources. EXPO-2017 have become an additional incentive for the development of renewable energy projects. However, the renewable energy sector is, relatively young in Kazakhstan and there are a number of issues that need to be discussed.
New territories of priority socio-economic development in Russia
In December 2017 and early February 2018, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a number of decisions on the establishment of territories for priority socio-economic development (TPSED) in several regions of Russia
Special Focus - One Belt One Road China Investment
GRATA International contributed to LexisNexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2018. The publication is featured under the Special Focus - One Belt One Road China Investment section.