
A new version of the law “On Advertising” is being developed

A new version of the law “On Advertising” is being developed
The Antimonopoly Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with the Institute for Problems of Legislation and Parliamentary Studies under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is developing a draft law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Advertising” in a new edition.
The new edition of the current law, which introduces new requirements and rules for the further development of the advertising services market, is being developed taking into account the results of the study and analysis of the practice of developed countries.
The draft new version of the law on advertising provides a wider range of concepts and definitions used in advertising. In addition, the rights and responsibilities of the Government and the Consumer Protection Agency under the Anti-Monopoly Committee, their powers and the procedure for exercising control are determined. Also, the rights and responsibilities of participants in the advertising services market are determined, the requirements for advertising aimed at minors are increasing, the range of social advertising and the requirements for certain types of advertising distribution (television, radio, print media, communications, electronic commerce, outdoor advertising, advertising) are expanding. transport and mail, etc.). Requirements for advertising of certain goods, services and works (drugs, biologically active substances, baby food, various stocks, energy drinks, alcohol and tobacco products, weapons, securities) are also toughening. In addition, responsibility for violation of advertising legislation, etc., is strengthening.
Along with this, it is planned partially cancel or introduced new wording to the Law "On Advertising".
In turn, along with the improvement of the legislation on advertising, work is being done in parallel on making amendments to the Administrative Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan in terms of requirements for strengthening and establishing norms of responsibility for violation of advertising legislation.
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