Patients of healthcare centers in Central Asia’s most populated country will benefit from better care and hygiene standards following the introduction of modern medical manufacturing facilities in Uzbekistan, supported by the EBRD.

EBRD provided Joint Venture Healthline LLC (Healthline) with local currency loan of up to EUR 8.55 million equivalent to a leading local manufacturer and trader of disposable medical goods – including disposable syringes, intravenous sets and dialysis filters – will be used to expand the company’s product range and to establish a new production facility for manufacturing disposable medical gloves.

This is the first time EBRD providing local currency loan to a private sector client in Uzbekistan and will help Healthline to strengthen its market position in the domestic medical manufacturing sector.

The loan is supported by a grant of USD 67,360 from the EBRD’s Finance and Technology Transfer Centre for Climate Change (FINTECC) program, which is co-financed by the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund. The grant will cover costs associated with the introduction of new-technology natural gas burners featuring heat recovery systems. The new burners will enable the company to reduce its annual consumption of natural gas by 40 per cent and to cut its annual greenhouse gas emissions by 6,460 tons of CO2 equivalent. FINTECC is designed to transfer technology in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

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