
GRATA International took part in English Law Day in Tashkent

On October 17, Tashkent hosted an English law day organized by the English Law Society, the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan and GRATA International Law Firm.

The event was attended by the Managing Partner of GRATA International law firm Bakhodir Zhabborov, as well as Partners Irina Obukhova, Atabek Sharipov and Nodir Yuldashev.

During the event, Nodir Yuldashev, Partner of GRATA International Law firm, made a presentation on the possibility of choosing English law in commercial contracts concluded by entrepreneurs in Uzbekistan, as well as the possibilities and limitations of recognition and enforcement of decisions of English state courts in Uzbekistan.

Yerzhan Yesimkhanov, Partner at GRATA International Law Firm, made a presentation on the topic: “Some practical aspects of the application of FIDIC contracts”.

The conference was attended by senior representatives of leading companies, law firms, and organizations from Uzbekistan and Central Asia.

Yerzhan Yessimkhanov
Байланыстар: Yerzhan Yessimkhanov
Лауазымы: Partner
Орналасқан орны:
Алматы, Қазақстан
Atabek Sharipov
Байланыстар: Atabek Sharipov
Лауазымы: Partner, Head of Banking & Finance Practice in Uzbekistan, Head of Turkmenistan Desk
Орналасқан орны:
Tashkent, Өзбекстан
Bakhodir Jabborov
Байланыстар: Bakhodir Jabborov
Лауазымы: Managing Partner
Орналасқан орны:
Tashkent, Өзбекстан
Әрқашан соңғы ақпаратты алу үшін жаңалықтар таратылымымызға жазылыңыз.: