
GRATA International took part in the XIV Kazakhstan Forum of Corporate Lawyers in Almaty

The forum was held in 6 industry sessions: Retail / Trade, Subsoil Use, Telecom / IT / Fintech, Construction and Housing, Finance, Pharmaceuticals and Medicine.

The law firm GRATA International was represented by a partner, the head of Dispute Resolution Department, Bakhyt Tukulov, who moderated the Practical Cases for the Settlement of Litigation and Arbitration Disputes section, and partner, Banking & Finance Department, Marina Kakhiani, who was a speaker in the Corporate Law section ".

The forum was attended by over 200 participants from national, international and Kazakhstani companies, among which were also law firms and industry association

Reference to presentation of Tukulov B.

Reference to presentation of Kakhiani M.

Байланыстар: Marina Kahiani
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Алматы, Қазақстан
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