
GRATA International held a seminar in Atyrau with the support of Petrocouncil.

On December 5, 2019, a seminar on the topic: “Waste Management: Dispute resolutions practice, changes provided by the Draft of the New Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was held.

On the seminar have discussed such issues as:

  • Judicial practice in the field of waste management of production and consumption: main trends;
  • Innovations in the field of waste management provided by the draft Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The speaker was Leila Makhmetova, Counsel and Director of Environmental Law Department.

Also, Zaira Kaissar, the partner and director of the Atyrau and Aktobe offices represented the GRATA International law firm.

The seminar was attended by over 50 people, among whom were representatives of such companies as: JSC NC “KaMunayGas”, Karachaganak Petroleum Operating, JSC “KazTransOil”, KENTECH, Altius Petroleum, Embamunaygas, Caspian Ecology, “NefteStroiService Ltd” LLP,  and also Akimat of Atyrau region. 

Байланыстар: Leila Makhmetova
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