
A new small industrial zone has been created in the Tashkent region

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No.ПКМ-657 “On measures to create a small industrial zone in the Yangiyul district of the Tashkent region” (the “Resolution No.ПКМ-657”) provides for the opening of a small industrial zone with an area of ​​36 hectares. Also, within a month, the administrative council of the special economic zone of the Tashkent region was instructed to create the Directorate of a small industrial zone. In this regulatory legal act, the Khokimiyat of the Tashkent region (together with the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, as well as the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade) is entrusted with the development of:

  • architectural and design documents within 2 months;
  • criteria for the placement of projects in a small industrial zone;
  • a targeted program for the placement of manufacturing enterprises aimed at import substitution and export of products.

It should be noted that in the small industrial zone, it is planned to locate enterprises for the production of import-substituting and export-oriented types of finished products, materials and components such as cables, ceramic and plastic products, metal structures, as well as processing agricultural products.

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