
The National Strategy for improvement of mechanisms on human rights and freedoms is defined

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed the Decree "On approval of the Republic of Uzbekistan's National strategy on human rights" No.УП-6012 from 22 June 2020 (the “Decree No.УП-6012”) that envisages the adoption of a long-term strategy for the protection of human rights and freedoms.

In particular, the Decree No.УП-6012 defined the main directions of the responsible state bodies and organizations for the fulfillment of the norms of international treaties on human rights, which included:

  • ensuring the unconditional fulfillment of national action plans (“Road maps”) aimed at implementing the recommendations of international organizations for the protection of human rights;
  • identifying, analyzing, and eliminating the causes and conditions that impede the fulfillment of recommendations of UN's statutory bodies and treaty committees on human rights by developing and implementing measures aimed at improving legislation and law enforcement practice;
  • effective cooperation with the Public Chamber under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and civil society institutions in the fulfillment of the Republic of Uzbekistan's international obligations under human rights.

Moreover, according to the recommendations of international organizations, the followings are approved:

  • National strategy;
  • Road map for the implementation of the National strategy;
  • Regulation on the procedure of cooperation among state bodies to consider communications and decisions of the UN's statutory bodies and treaty committees on human rights.

To implement the National strategy and the "Road map", the National Center for Human Rights performs the following:

  • monitors, submits to the ministries and departments proposals and recommendations on the quality and timely implementation of measures;
  • posts information on its website that reflects specific indicators and achieved results;
  • quarterly submits generalized information to the Presidential Administration and the Cabinet of Ministers;
  • ensures preparation, translation into foreign languages ​​, and publication of information and analytical comments.
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