
Бізбен хабарласу:
Жаңалықтар бойынша іздеу
Criteria for determination of oil and gas activities and non-public sector
By Resolution #56 dated 18 February 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers approved criteria for determination of oil and gas activities and non-public sector for the purposes of article 101.1-4 of the Tax Code and 14.7 of Social Insurance Law.
Government resolution approves regulation on procedure for implementing PPP projects
A government resolution approved a regulation on the procedure for implementing a public-private partnership in financing the development of projects for the detailed planning of parts of localities.
Draft law on toll roads has been published for discussion
The draft law regulates relationship in the field of construction, maintenance and operation of toll roads. The State Highway Committee introduced a proposal for the regulation of toll roads in Uzbekistan.
Ministry of Economy and Industry introduced a draft law «On privatization of the non- agricultural land plots»
The draft law is available in Russian language at: https://regulation.gov.uz/ru/document/2553
New legislative developments in the Republic of Uzbekistan
• Excise taxes on cigarettes have been increased.
• Bureaucratic costs to be reduced.
• Small-scale miners to be “legalised”.
• New corridors at customs posts.
• Foreign investors are welcome!
• Public preview of applications for trademark registration.
• Redemption payments in the framework of privatisation.
• Nostrification of foreign diplomas is simplified.
RAEX-Europe upgrades Uzbekistan’s sovereign rating to B+ with positive outlook
RAEX-Europe upgrade Uzbekistan’s Sovereign government credit rating (SGC) in foreign currency to ‘B+’ with positive outlook, the agency said in a report.