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Жаңалықтар бойынша іздеу
Mutual agreement procedure on double taxation agreements
Mongolia has entered into Double-Taxation Agreement (further referred as DTA) with 26 countries. Its Mutual Agreement Procedure (further referred as the Procedure) was approved in 2013, latter renewed in 2019 in accordance with Article 17.3 of General law on Taxation, for the following purposes:
GRATA Mongolia has participated in pro bono global research project of World Bank
The Women, Business and the Law Report is a publication of the World Bank Group that benchmarks business regulation in 190 countries worldwide.
On September 27, GRATA attended the EGLA Annual Partners Conference
Within the conference, GRATA partner and Head of Beijing office - Gulnur Nurkeyeva and partner of the office of GRATA in Ulaanbaatar - Bolormaa Volodya joined the participants of the round table, the theme of which was the projects included in the initiative "One Belt, One Road". The effectiveness of the presence of representative offices of Chinese law firms in Central Asian countries was also discussed.
GRATA International attended Lawyers Forum 2019 in Mongolia
In the third year, the "Lawyers Forum-2019" was held by Mongolian Bar Association on June 13, 2019, at the Corporate and Convention Centre under the motto "The Role and Participation of Lawyers in Legal Reform". Bolormaa Volodya, Partner of GRATA International in Mongolia has attended to the Forum.
GRATA International ranked across several jurisdictions in ILFR1000 2019
IFLR1000 has released its 2019 rankings identifying leading firms and lawyers worldwide.
GRATA International has been ranked in 7 jurisdictions in Europe and Asia: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. IFLR1000 paid special attention to GRATA’s wide geographical coverage in Central Asia and Eastern Europe
GRATA International in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
As a further step in GRATA International’s strategy designed to provide a comprehensive coverage in the Eurasian region, we are pleased to announce the expansion of our Mongolian desk into a significant presence in Ulaanbaatar.