
Бізбен хабарласу:
Жаңалықтар бойынша іздеу
GRATA Azerbaijan participated in Tax and Customs Committee Members Meeting
Representative of GRATA Azerbaijan participated in the meeting of Tax and Customs Committee of AMCHAM on 15th of November.
Yerzhan Yessimkhanov ranked among best real estate lawyers in WWL 2019
Who's Who Legal: Real Estate features in-depth research into the best real estate lawyers and legal practitioners globally.
The Supreme court of the Russian Federation has created a new precedent for the recovery of subsidiary liability from the debtor?
"Termination of the bankruptcy procedure is not the basis for termination of proceedings on the application for bringing to subsidiary liability of controlling persons of the debtor" - this is the conclusion reached by the Supreme court of the Russian Federation considering the complaint of the creditor-applicant in the bankruptcy case.
Expanded functionality of the public services portal «Gosuslugi.ru»
Now through the «single digital window" you can submit proposals, applications and complaints to state and local authorities, as well as their subordinate organizations.
Tajikistan is among the top 10 reformers of Doing Business-2020 rating
According to the bank's report, Tajikistan has risen to 106th place in the Doing
Business-2020 ranking.
To help entrepreneurs: Tajikistan will launch a single window system
Entrepreneurs in Tajikistan will find it easier to process documents.