
Privatization of large enterprises expected in Uzbekistan

In Uzbekistan, a draft Presidential Decree "On additional measures to reduce the state's participation in the economy" was published for discussion, per which it is planned to sell 85% of Ucell’s state share, 49% of Uzbekistan Airways` state share, 18.8% of Uzbektelecom`s state share, 10% of NGMK`s, AGMK`s and Uzmetkombinat`s state share, 45% - Dori-Darmon and other companies.

In such areas as military trade, the operation of road and telecommunications infrastructure, the construction of water facilities, repair and restoration services, television and radio channels, film companies, some geological enterprises it is not planned to reduce state participation.

Based on the reports of the relevant ministries and departments, until March 1, 2020, the need to maintain state participation in these organizations will be considered. An updated list will be posted on the website of the State Asset Management Agency.

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