
A thermal power plant with a capacity of 1500 MW is being built in the Sirdaryа region of Uzbekistan

On the basis of the Presidential Resolution No.4799 “On measures to organize the construction of a new thermal power plant with a capacity of 1500 MW in the Sirdarya region” dated August 10, 2020, it was envisaged to build a thermal power plant on a turnkey basis in the Boevut district and in the city of Shirin of the Sirdarya region.

The Chinese company, China Gezhouba Group Corporation, has been identified as the general contractor for the project. It should be noted that it is planned to use combined cycle plants with an efficiency of more than 60% in the construction of the plant.

Additionally, in the framework of the above-mentioned Resolution, an investment agreement is envisaged between the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade, an investor from Saudi Arabia “The International Company for water and power projects”, and a project company represented by “Acwa Power Sirdaryа” LLC. Moreover, in this Resolution there was approved an agreement between “National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan” JSC and “Acwa Power Sirdaryа” LLC on the purchase of electricity.

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