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Changes to the Labour Code of Kazakhstan Regarding Outstaffing Issues
This is to inform you that on 19 December 2020, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On the Introduction of the Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on outstaffing services’ (hereinafter – the ‘Law’). Pursuant to the Law, the Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Investment Tax Credit
On 1 January 2021, a number of changes in the tax legislation came into force , which are aimed at improving the investment climate. One of thу important changes is the introduction of provisions on an investment tax credit granted to taxpayers (hereinafter - the ‘ITC’).
Alert on the amendments in the Customs Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
In January of this year a number of amendments was introduced into the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On customs regulation in the Republic of Kazakhstan’ (hereinafter – the ‘Customs Code’). The most important of them were brought into effect from 16 January 2021. Please see below the detailed information on the introduced amendments.
Mining 2021: Kazakhstan
According to the latest official statistics, the "mining and quarrying" sector (excluding the production of oil and gas) plays an important role in the Kazakh economy, with a contribution of 4.9% to the country’s GDP based upon the results of 2019.
Energy law and regulation in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is the largest economy in Central Asia and home to more than 18 million people.  As a country rich in coal, oil, natural gas and uranium, Kazakhstan’s economic focus remains firmly on its industrial sector and the extraction and processing of its natural resources.  There is also enormous potential for renewable energy in Kazakhstan, particularly from wind and small hydropower plan.
Access to international arbitration in investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in Uzbekistan
The influx of foreign direct investment in Uzbekistan has found a breath of fresh air after fundamental changes in the higher political structures in 2017-2018. Since that, several reforms pro-business credentials have been vigorously enforced in Uzbekistan.