
The employer's obligation on labour safety and hygiene in Mongolia

1.    Introduction

Mongolia is one of the wealthiest countries in the world of mineral resources and has developed its own independent mining industry since 1990. The country has joined the implementation of European and international technical, environmental and occupational safety and health standards in the mining sector to improve its competitiveness in the public and private sector.

Mongolia ratified the Occupational Safety and Health Convention (No.155) of International Labor organization (ILO) in 1999. In compliance with the Convention, the country is upgrading legislation and regulating occupational safety and hygiene issues within the legal reform process. For instance, out of about 120 occupational safety and hygiene standards that were reviewed, 35 have been revised or newly adopted since 2010.

The Law of Mongolia on Labor Safety and Hygiene is approved in May 22, 2008 and the purpose of this law is to determine the state policy and principles on labor safety and hygiene, and to regulate relationship with respect to management and monitoring system of state organizations, to ensure fulfillment of requirements and standards for labor safety and hygiene at workplace and to create safe and hygienic work environment for employed citizens.

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Авторы: Bolormaa Volodya
Ulaanbaatar, Монгол
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