
Bolormaa Volodya, Partner of GRATA International Mongolia law firm was one of judges’ panel on students conference in English: “International Business Transactions”

On April 16, 2022, Department of Private Law of the Law school of National University of Mongolia held a Student Research Conference on “International Business Transactions: Governing Law, and Dispute Settlement Issues” dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of the University.

The purpose of the students’ annual research conference is for improving students’ knowledge of international law, conducting research on specific issues of international law and developing the skill to use English sources in their research paper, using and translating legal terms accurately and adequately. The conference contributes significantly to the skills of students to present, discuss and answer to the questions in English.

The conference was organized with two phases. The professors of the department of Private law of Law school have evaluated the students’ research works and selected papers to be presented and discussed at the second phase. Out of total selected research papers, three best presentation and one very interesting presentation were awarded with the prize.

The panel of judges included representatives of several well-known law firms. Bolormaa Volodya, Partner and Director of GRATA International Mongolia law firm one of judges’ panel.

At the end of the conference, Bolormaa Volodya, the Partner and Director of GRATA International Mongolia law firm has received the “Gratitude Letter” from the Law School, National University of Mongolia. Under the letter, administration of Law school has expressed their gratitude to GRATA International Mongolia for its contribution for promotion and collaboration for motivating students research conference and allows to challenge their knowledge in legal studies. Also it remarked that through generosity through the years, a number of students have been awarded with material support and attended internship at GRATA International Mongolia Law firm.

Contacts: Bolormaa Volodya
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
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