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The new refinancing rate
Since July 21, 2021, the refinancing rate of the National Bank has been set at 9.25 percent per annum (previously the rate had been 8.5 percent per annum).
A new extra-budgetary fund for the construction industry
The extra-budgetary fund for the development of the construction industry shall operate from September 1, 2021, to December 31, 2025.
New requirements within the framework of currency legislation
On July 9, 2021, a new version of the Law of 22.07.2003 "On Currency Regulation and currency control" and other acts in its development came into force.
GRATA International held an online conference: Labeling of goods by means of identification
On July 22, 2021, the GRATA offices in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan held an international conference: Labeling of goods by means of identification.
Code on Administrative Offences in Azerbaijan
On June 22, 2021 a new provision (445-1.7) was added to Article 445 of the Code of Administrative Offences. The respective new provision sets out administrative liability for the violation of the requirements with respect to payments on procurement contracts under the Public Procurement Law of Azerbaijan.
Amendments to the Labor Code of Azerbaijan
On June 16, 2021 an amendment was made to the Labor Code of Azerbaijan (“Amendment Law”).